Admiral Group Company Profile

Over 25 years’ direct industry experience & knowledge

Admiral draws on over 25 years worth of direct marine, complex operating & out of area operational experience and has key knowledge and know-how in the financial challenges of operating in difficult fiscal markets.

As a group we have worked in support of complex and challenging offshore & onshore projects for oil & gas exploration, production and a host of additional industry areas at the forefront of complex regulated and unregulated environments. Our operational networks & logistics knowledge in Africa are second to none.

Through to 2024, Admiral Offshore and its antecedent companies have delivered vessel ownership, operational management, logistics support and technical & marine compliance solutions to a wide range of companies and diverse industry sectors.

As we move into 2025, Admiral is using its unique knowledge and experience to expand its dedicated service offering beyond its historic involvement with the offshore sector.

As time modernises the complexity and scope of operations for service providers, both on and offshore, Admiral has developed its key offerings, alongside its proven track record of delivering services into West Africa as well as its historic core operating markets in East Africa, Southern Africa and into the Indian Ocean.

Moving into 2025, Admiral is expanding its service offer into two core operational delivery areas; the continued delivery of vessel charter & offshore services alongside remote aerial solutions in support of offshore services, complex onshore logistic supply and a range of remote services.

This is underpinned by a powerful range of financially tailored offerings to enable delivery of both on & offshore services where traditional payment mechanisms are difficult.

Our Services

Offshore Vessel Operations

Remote Aerial Solutions

Complex Operating Finance Solutions

Admiral Offshore Managament

Support of the Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration

The Senior Team can each draw on at least 15 years’ marine pedigree and experience in the sector, working in support of the offshore Oil and Gas exploration, production and service support sectors.


Fleet Maintenance Support

Our in-house technical and operations management team provide life cycle service and maintenance support to the fleet as well as to 3rd party operators who require additional expertise.

Our Senior Team

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Tel: +44 1273 467 611


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